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USCIS Retroactively Imposes Public Charge Requirement, Requests Burdensome I-944 Forms

Updated: Jan 14, 2021

Earlier today, USCIS announced, effective immediately, it would be imposing the enhanced public charge rule on applications for U.S. Permanent Residence that were filed after February 24, 2020 with USCIS. For those persons who have not yet filed these applications, all applications filed after October 12, 2020 will need to include completed I-944 forms. Those forms are extremely burdensome to complete, and seek the most private financial information from applicants. USCIS will soon begin reaching out to applicants and request that they submit I-944 forms if they did not previously do so. See article: Trump Administration Reimposes "Public Charge" Immigration Wealth Test Following Court Orders

We assist countless foreign nationals and we will be happy to personally assist you with your application as well. Drop us a line at or call us at (888)354-6257. For reasons on why you should consult an immigration attorney whenever you have an immigration issue, see our page titled: Reasons Why it is Vital to Use an Immigration Lawyer.



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